Saturday, August 1, 2009

Teeth, Part 3

As I avoid writing up an entry on the vacation (it was great, but it's going to take forever) I just have to share this one thing. My parents are coming out in September to "help me move" (which will apparently take 12 days - evidently we will be carrying individual socks along the city streets to wherever my new place is) and I wasn't sure if they were also going to come out for Christmas again, meaning that I will have to think of something to do about my driver's license, which expires in January. This afternoon, however, my mother Skyped me to do two things - demand that I send her Stephen Fry In America (it's not out there yet? What are you people doing over there?) and also to inform me that I have a dentist appointment on December 23rd. Apparently, the fact that I have not seen a dentist in 10 months is making her agitated. (She used to make me go every three months when I had braces.)

Yes, I am going back to the States just to get my teeth cleaned. And maybe do some things of lesser importance, like deal with my driver's license, celebrate Christmas, see NephthysWrath, and pry some of the books my dad has claimed away from him. But mostly, I'm getting my teeth cleaned.

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