Friday, December 12, 2008

Help! People notice me!

I was under the impression that I've been flying under everyone's radar (which, yes, is a very bad thing to do when I think I need letters of recommendation not only to go on to another program, but to give to the immigration people so I don't get sent back to America in September.) This week, I discovered that my Egyptology professor knows my name and background. I was completely disturbed. I don't think I've said more than three or four sentences to him the entire term, and I figured he didn't know who I was, because I'm used to non-art professors not giving a flying fuck who you are if you don't go to office hours every week and make a nuisance of yourself. But I had to go to his office hours on Monday because of this awful assignment, and he already knew who I was and started talking to me about my art background, and today I discovered that he's been marking me present every day even when he doesn't pass the attendance sheet around. So, now I'm wondering if they actually read all our files, or if our tutors warn people we take classes from. "Watch this one. It escaped from an art program."

It did get me an A on his midterm, which soothed my poor bruised perfectionist ego after those two B's. Apparently, being able to long-windedly explain your interpretation of Egyptian art is almost as good as actually knowing what the hell you're talking about in the first place, which I don't.

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