Sunday, May 4, 2008

I am a library nerd

My new university's main library uses Dewey. Dewey. I have not the words. Real libraries use Library of Congress. I was almost about to excuse them because they are British, and so was Dewey, and I think LC is American, but they use LC in their law library. My mother (who got her grad degree in library science) claims that Dewey is not actually that bad, but I beg to differ. If your library is of a worthwhile size, or in fact has more than about 3 books in it, Dewey is unwieldy and really less an organizational system and more a colossal pain in the ass. It just won't do. I cannot function if I have to use Dewey, and so clearly the only solution is to pack up Doheny Memorial Library, move it over there, and have it reassembled next to my dorm. The only redeeming feature of this new library (besides the fact that I am amused by how proud they are of their air conditioning) is that it has listed pages and pages of books on the Black Death that I have never seen before, and I have read all Doheny's Black Death books.

I suppose this won't turn out to be that big of a problem because I usually remember things by location, and not by code (in Doheny, for instance, the Black Death section is on the second level, two shelves over from the staircase, and near the bottom, and Jane Austen is about midway between the elevator and the back wall), so after the first few weeks I shouldn't have to put up with the codes at all, but still. I am way too much of a snot to let this go quietly, particularly since I can bring over about four of my own books and will have to get the 10 or so I require to function every week from the library.

This has nothing whatsoever to do with anything, but the rampant use of my middle name is starting to creep me out a little. USC used to just call me Antares A. Scorpius (you can feel free to believe that's my real name, if you like) but the British call me Antares Alpha Scorpius, or sometimes ANTARES ALPHA Scorpius, for extra emphasis. I normally try to pretend I don't have a middle name, so I find it unnerving. I wish they'd stop.

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