Thursday, April 30, 2009

What makes you say that?

Yesterday, when I was discussing loans and what the hell I'm going to do with myself and other fun stuff with my parents over Skype, I had basically the following conversation with my dad:

Antares: "...and I want a job at a museum or something, where I don't have to interact with the general public, but the economy is so bad that I'm afraid I might have to take a job as a waitress or something just to be able to stay here."

Dad: "That...that may be the worst idea I've ever heard. Don't do that."

I have no idea what he's afraid of. I'm sure I'd be able to last at least 3 days before I told my very first obnoxious customer exactly what I thought of him. And it might be a whole week before I got fired for mouthing off.

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