Monday, April 20, 2009


I'm currently procrastinating on writing my mini-dissertation. I have nearly all the research done and a week left of my spring break, so I should have it done before I have to go back to class, anyway. The problem is that my mother is salivating at the prospect of reading it, because it's on a facet of paleopathology, and I get my appreciation for the gory details from her. So she keeps Skyping me and demanding that I send it to her, because I promised her it would be done sometime around last Friday. I have yet to write a single word of it, because I made the mistake of picking up Dumas, and every time I do that it takes me days to pry my brain loose. I'm still in the middle of The Count of Monte Cristo, and it won't let go. She's reached the point of 3 exclaimation marks per demand, and I estimate that we have about 24 hours to go before she deploys the interrobang. Help.

I want a helix piercing. I've been thinking about getting one for a while, and now would be great, because I might be seeing my parents again in September, and then again I might not, so it'll be a while before I have to face the inevitable disapproval. Only, I need a job soon, and there will probably be interviews, and I already have four extra earrings to take out before each interview. Dammit. I'm also beginning to despair of ever getting my tattoo. I designed it three years ago, and I was going to get it after waiting one year, around the time I finished my undergraduate degree. The problem is, either I have no money, or I have money but I don't know any tattoo artists good enough to do it. Right now, not only do I not have money, I don't even have anyone to ask about tattoo artists. (I got a recommendation from my ceramics professor while I was still living in LA, but at that point I had no money. Then I got another one in New Jersey, but again - no money.) And no one in the archaeology department appears to have tattoos, so I don't know who to ask. Darnit, someday I will get this tattoo, I swear it.

Also, right now I do not like my figure. It may be that I'm not used to looking at it, as I've worn 3 shirts and a baggy sweatshirt for the past 7 months, and before that I ran around in oversized t-shirts. But it's like Southern California out there right now, and I obviously can't go around in giant sweatshirts when it's 60 degrees and sunny out, and I'm trying not to dress like I stole my clothing from the nerdy brother I do not have, so I've been wearing fitted t-shirts. I don't like it. My figure is so ridiculously Victorian that I feel like I should be wearing corsets and low-cut gowns, not jeans and t-shirts. Every time I see my reflection I want to run back to my room and hide under the bed. I feel like I look absurd, and I've been cranky lately anyway, and it's not helping my state of mind.

And, Warner Brothers? I will cut you. NephthysWrath is visiting me in July, and we're planning to visit Paris, and London (I still haven't been, which is incredibly frustrating to me, as it's literally right over there and I don't have time to go) and see Half-Blood Prince at midnight. At least we were, until they went and changed the release date from Friday to Wednesday, messing up all our careful plans. For one thing, now we won't be in Paris for Bastille Day, which is not cool. I am irritated.

Finally, whose genius idea was it to have my exam from first semester in June? I have basically forgotten everything that ever happened in that class, and now I am trying to remember everything and it isn't working. I'm going to have to go track down the professor and make a total nuisance of myself, asking her to reexplain everything. This wouldn't be happening if I were somewhere besides The Department of Random Insanity.

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