Thursday, September 18, 2008

More Packing, and The Trainwreck Keeps On Skidding Down The Rails

There isn't all that much new. I do finally have a packing list, though (NephthysWrath helped me - turns out these things work better when you categorize the items, as opposed to making one long list in which you write things down three times. Dur.) It's even marked by Things I Must Buy, Things That Are Sitting All Over My Floor (they actually aren't anymore - they're in piles by category), and Things That Are Hidden Somewhere In The House. Thank goodness for friends with tidy minds. I'm trying to take care of the last category during the rest of this week, and then this weekend NephthysWrath is going to help me buy and pack everything. (Come on - packing is much more entertaining when there are two people and pizza involved.) I'll post the packing list later. The packing lists I found online were thoroughly unhelpful, which is why I kind of had to make my own from scratch, so I figured I would throw another one out there. Mine is probably thoroughly unhelpful to everyone else, too, but I'll post it anyway.

In other news - my mother is currently fluctuating between "I thought I raised David better than this! *sniffle*" and "Why the hell is that boy so gullible?" with a side of "Couldn't he find anyone in L.A. to date?" She was beginning to calm down until he called last night and set her off again. My dad is still not home, but when he gets home tomorrow night I predict much entertainment. She currently has some sort of Evil Plan in which my dad finds some excuse to accompany David to the city. I am grateful that I never brought anyone home and that I only have to listen to this for about nine more days.

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