Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Can I have my deposit back?

Since I'm sitting here in the library today until they kick me out, I thought I would play my new favorite game, which is to wander through my new university's website until something freaks me out and I have to go sit quietly in a corner and bite my nails. Today, it was the library's website. I know I posted here earlier with a rant about how they use Dewey, which I hate more than I can express, but apparently it gets worse. Even though I'm a postgraduate student, I'm only allowed 15 books at a time. Fifteen. Also, interlibrary loans apparently cost lots of money. USC let me have 200 at a time as an undergraduate, and interlibrary loans were free. Fifteen books at a time is simply not going to work out for me. I need about ten books a week just to function (I can't leave the house without at least four on me) and since I can only bring about five of my own books with me (enough to keep me going until they give me my university card and I can hit up the library), and I can't buy any while I'm there, I'll be using up my entire limit on the books I require to function, and I won't have any left over for things I'm supposed to read for class. Even worse, there's the dissertation, which will also hit my book limit hard. And I have to pay for my interlibrary loans? So completely unacceptable. And uncivilized. *foam*


December said...

Can you get another card without them knowing? 15 books is ridiculous.

(snowbear from LHC)

Antares said...

I think there's a downtown library that will be seeing a lot of me. The 15 books thing was bad enough, but apparently every interlibrary loan will cost me $15. I got this reddish haze around my vision when I read that part. How do these people manage?

December said...

Fifteen freaking dollars for a interlibrary loan? Do they actively discourage literacy over there? Sheesh!

Antares said...

It's an interesting thought, isn't it? It's like they want to keep the books all to themselves and begrudge having to hand them out. That's the kind of librarian I would be, which is why I'm not in library school.