Friday, March 13, 2009


You know how, sometimes, it's a week before the end of term, and you have a theory paper to write? But no one else has been turning up for classes, so the whole atmosphere of the department has been unusually relaxed, so it sort of feels like term has ended anyway? So you're sitting at your desk, and you have your theory article all set, and you've collected all the background material you think you'll need to critique it, but your brain is four feet away, in its pajamas in bed, having a Harry Potter DVD marathon, and it's all "Oh, sorry, did we have a paper to write? I kinda don't feel like it now. I'll get back to you later."? And the worst part is that you have five weeks off for spring holidays, but you're going to have to spend them writing your mini-dissertation and inking your drawings for Archaeological Illustration and putting your journal together for your experimental class, so your brain shouldn't be over there watching DVDs anyway?

Just me, then? Yeah, it usually is.

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