Saturday, March 28, 2009

26 weeks?

I was out for a walk this evening, and it occurred to me that, as of this morning, I've been here six months.

It doesn't feel that long. I mean, I know that's a long time. And if I think about all the time between September and now, I realize it's been a long time. But it doesn't feel very long. And it's weird to experience subjective time this way. In California I was only away from home for three or four months at a stretch, and it seemed to take years because I was miserable all the time. Being here is more like being at the coast house - it isn't technically home, but it feels like it is. It doesn't feel like I'm suffering in a tiny apartment and desperately wishing for my next break so I can get away. Here, time just passes normally instead of dragging excruciatingly along. And it's very weird for me to experience time normally at school, because all my previous time in college has been spent in a haze of "God, why am I still here in this awful place? Make it stop!"

I'm aware that that probably didn't make any sense to anyone but me. Anyway. Six months. That's kind of impressive.

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