Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What election?

The British people I know are really concerned about this election. It was exhausting to talk to them today, and as a result I have really had enough and am going to try not to think about it anymore (yeah, I'll still end checking the coverage every fifteen minutes though.) I voted several weeks ago by absentee ballot - and if you haven't voted yet, oh my goodness, what are you doing sitting there?

Totally unrelated - did you know Pandora is blocked in the UK? You can't listen to it here. (Okay, you can. Nothing is impossible on the internet. But you have to do some things of questionable legality.) Instead, you can listen to Musicovery. Personally, I like it better than Pandora and will probably stick with it if I do end up leaving here at the end of a year (more about that later.) Maybe you'll like it better than Pandora too! Try it.

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