Monday, November 30, 2009

Still alive. Just BORED TO TEARS.

So, as it turns out, although I passed my Master's and I'm getting a degree in January (not that anyone but me was actually concerned, but I'm tired of apologizing for my neuroses) the university cannot release a letter to this effect until December 7th, and without this letter I cannot send out my visa application. Why can't they release this letter, even though I have passed and been approved by their committee and everything? I have absolutely no idea. England is full of random insanity like this. Unfortunately, I still have no job and am now even less likely to get one as my student visa is expiring in January, and that just doesn't look good on applications. I am bored to the point where I am considering doing things like crouching on top of the wardrobe and gnawing on my toenails. I don't think being out of school agrees with me. Also, I am broke and cannot entertain myself very well without classes to study for, although I do get free books and sometimes I break down and buy cheap DVDs.

Once I beat my way through the last of the arbitrary roadblocks and send off this damn application (I'm guessing that at some point it will become necessary for me to grab someone by the collar and scream directly into their face, as politeness is clearly not getting me far) it will be 6-10 weeks to process, rather than the 3 I was told before. This means I will not be going home for Christmas, as the government will have my passport. I am less than broken up about this. I fully expect my mother to contact me soon and try to coax a tearful admission that I wish I were going home for Christmas out of me, but I won't be able to oblige. I'm afraid the best I will be able to do is a sarcastic "Oh, yes, I'm so upset. You know how I hate the quiet and how terribly homesick I've been over the past 15 months, and how I've missed the US and its inferior chocolate." There will be a brief discussion about my teeth, and that will be the end of it. I did consider using "But I'm going to be all alone in a creepy house in a foreign country for Christmas!" on the university's registry department in an attempt to get my paperwork faster, because boredom and frustration have made me into a terrible person, but I refrained.

So, that's it. I would like to update more often, but there is NOTHING HAPPENING and it's making me INSANE.

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