Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Vanity sizing

It annoys the shit out of me.

I had to go buy smaller jeans today. I'm not really sure why, because I haven't lost an ounce since the last time I had to buy smaller jeans, but hey, I'll take it. Maybe I have killer thigh muscles or something. Anyway, I guess I'm between sizes or something, because I bought two pairs of size 12, and two of size 10. But here's the thing. My whole goal has been to fit back into the size 10's I already have. I bought them back in high school and wore them for three years of college (never, never, never mix Zoloft and Desogen, people, especially if you're one of those who have to struggle like crazy to stay a normal weight). And guess what? They don't fit yet! I tried them this afternoon before I went off for smaller jeans, and I can get them up over my hips and all, but some of them I can't button, and the ones I can button give me horrific muffin-topping. (I know in some worlds, that would mean they "fit", but I'd really rather go up a size and be able to breathe when I sit down, thanks. The number in your jeans doesn't change your hip measurement, and muffin-topping is a mortal sin in my world.)

I'd like to fit back into those jeans. That was an excellent size for me. I was small enough that no one compared me to livestock, but large enough that men left me alone (I was a size 8 for a few months, and men abruptly stopped leaving me alone, and I hated it.) I'd also like to fit back into them because that would cut way down on the amount of shopping I'd have to do before leaving for England (I've already been informed by multiple people that I should stop dressing like an art student, so I'm resigned to having to go and buy tops that aren't oversized black T-shirts, but if I can avoid the jeans thing, I'll be ecstatic.) I'm guessing I have about one more size to go, but you know, I'm not really sure anymore. The best I could do was measure the old size 10's and compare them to my current measurements. I think I probably have to lose 2-3 more inches off my hips. Consistent sizing would make my life so much easier.

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