Monday, February 25, 2008


The tendency for the skies around here to cloud over without warning, even when the weather sites all claim they will be clear, means I don't usually get a lot of time with the telescope. So as soon as I realize I can see something outside I drag the telescope out and let the temperature equalize while I try to get dressed for the weather. This evening, I wore pink pajama pants, a black T-shirt, a red sweatshirt, green and purple socks, a gray hairclip, and blue and silver sneakers. Sometimes, I wonder how I got out of art school with a degree - it probably had something to do with working exclusively in monochromes for all four years, with maybe one color thrown in on each piece. No one realized until too late that color theory doesn't really exist in my world.

On the plus side, I got in 20 minutes of viewing time before the skies realized what I was up to and threw mare's-tails across all the good stuff.

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